
Hello! My name is Rowan, and I first began practicing Witchcraft in the late 1990s. I have travelled down many paths and now don’t follow one-set doctrine or one-set path.

I live in the Riverina region of New South Wales (Australia) with my partner and our two cats – Bobba and Frankie.

I am an Apprentice to Herne the Hunter.

I am an Indigo Child.

I am an Autistic non-binary trixic/lesbian with ADHD.

I work closely with my Voorouders – my Ancestors – and “do as I’m told” as they are incredibly vocal! I began writing posts in both English and Nederland in 2023 as a way to help me learn the language.

Life is never boring in my world!

I am a published writer. Many articles have appeared in the Pagan Awareness Network’s quarterly publication, The Small Tapestry, along with a short story and poem for Herne the Hunter in Call of the God: An Anthology Exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism by Frances Billinghurst.